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Generational Divorce Statistics in Florida


Going through a divorce can be challenging for anyone at any age. Florida has one of the highest divorce rates in the United States each year with plenty of couples from every generation deciding to end their unions.

Florida’s population is made up of married people from many age groups and from many generations. Of course, our state is known for its popularity with retirement-age singles and couples. Florida is home to many seniors, but there are plenty of young families who call the Sunshine State home as well.

Getting a sense of the different divorce rates for each age group and how their challenges differ in divorce proceedings can be helpful. Robert Sparks Divorce Attorneys commissioned a study of recent divorce rates in Florida and how they differ between generational divides.

Divorce Rates in the U.S. in 2021

As we work through 2023, many 2022 divorce rates are still being counted up. But 2021 divorce figures have been totaled to reveal a significant downturn in marriage break-ups.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Americans divorced at a rate of 2.9 divorces per 1,000 people in 2021. That’s about the same rate as was seen in 2020. By this metric, divorce cases rose slightly over the 5-year span.

However, according to the Institute for Family Studies (IFS), recent statistics show that the U.S. has experienced its lowest divorce rates since the 1960s. The IFS finds that for every 1,000 marriages in 2021, 13.6 ended in divorce.

The Institute points out that in 2019 that nation had already hit a half-century low in divorce rates and through the pandemic and out the other side, it appears that trend will continue.

Florida Divorce Rates Through 2021

Florida’s rates show a steady decline in divorce numbers, falling in line with U.S. trends according to the U.S. Census Bureau. 2020 shows a bigger dip but the decrease is largely based on residents not having as much personal freedom and resources to initiate a break-up during the pandemic. broke down divorce rates by Florida Counties. Pinellas County, including Clearwater and St. Petersburg, had the highest divorce rate at 15%. Miami-Dade County saw a 12.8% divorce rate. Hillsborough County, including Tampa, was in the middle of the rankings of all counties and had a 12.7% rate. Orange County, including Orlando, recorded an 11.3% divorce rate.

Divorce Rates by Generations in U.S.

Americans like to divide themselves by generational labels. From the greatest generation to millennials, divorce can play out differently for different age groups.

When looking at divorce and marriage rates, the big differences between generations must be accounted for. Millennials are attributed with helping in lowering the divorce rate over the past several years. But it’s largely a product of fewer millennials opting for marriage and waiting longer to get married when they do.

When looking at age groups, these labels will help illuminate the differences between the generations separated by decades. Below the ages of each generation listed as of 2023 are used to highlight the different peer groups.

  • The Silent Generation 78-95
  • Baby Boomers 59-77
  • Gen X 43-58
  • Millennials 27-42
  • Gen Z 11-26 also finds that in 2020, Baby Boomer divorce rates were sitting at almost 35%. The age group has been through the highest number of divorces of any group over the past few decades.

Millennial divorce rates have dropped by 30% over the past few years. They are descending from 33 divorces per 1,000 people to more recently the generation’s 23 divorces per 1,000 people.

Beyond generational nicknames, it’s helpful to see the ages of divorced people and what age groups hold the most divorce certificates. Of course, the older someone is, the more chance they’ll have had to have been through one or more divorces.

Below is a look at the raw numbers of divorced people in the United States as of 2021 according to Statista. The ages are separated into 5-year groupings and in some cases, 10-year groupings.

Divorce for Older Generations

2021 census estimates show that Florida’s 65+ population makes up around 21% of residents in the state. In Tampa, almost 55,000 residents are 65 years old or older making up around 14% of the city’s population.

Florida seniors are opting to leave married life more often than ever. It’s a phenomenon that’s known as “gray divorce.” Retirement-age divorcees may have built up more in savings and assets over the years and will need to sort out how to divide them up. They’ll likely have retirement funds to allocate fairly. Their extended families can be larger and wills will need to be drawn up after a divorce to reflect the person’s wishes.

Divorce can leave people feeling vulnerable and unsure about the future. That’s why it’s important to protect your interests before marriage and in any divorce proceeding no matter how old you are.

Going Through Divorce in Tampa, Florida

If you live in Tampa or the surrounding area and are considering filing for divorce, it’s worth talking to a skilled local divorce attorney in your area. Even when divorces are friendly and partners want the best for each other, there are still pitfalls to avoid when forced to comply with Florida law and Florida divorce courts.

Speak with an experienced divorce attorney to make absolutely sure you will have the best chance to rebuild your life once a divorce is approved. We help couples of all ages reach a fair divorce settlement that allows everyone involved to start their new lives on the proper footing.

Contact Robert Sparks Attorneys for a divorce consultation. It’s a no-risk opportunity to speak with our divorce attorneys and go over your options before you sign away important benefits in an unfair divorce settlement.