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When Is the Right Time to Get a Divorce in Tampa, Florida

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You and your spouse may have been considering divorce for some time. Sometimes it is a decision that feels as if it came out of nowhere, while other times it appears that it was inevitable given the circumstances of your marriage. Is there a right time or wrong time to consider divorce? When is the right time, if any? There are some ways to tell that a Tampa divorce may be the right decision for you and your family.

At Robert Sparks Divorce Attorneys in Tampa, Florida, we handle all of your divorce matters with understanding and care. You may have a variety of concerns regarding your divorce case, especially if you and your spouse are still determining if divorce may be right for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on how we can help you and a no-obligation case review.

Signs That Divorce May Be the Right Decision

Even when marriage counseling is in the picture, there are some relationships that can no longer continue, given the circumstances. Here are some ways to tell that it is the right time to get a divorce:

Abusive Partner: Abusive relationships take on many forms – physical, sexual, emotional, and financial. If you stay in a relationship with abuse, you could be putting yourself in harm’s way. In some cases, there are problems that the abusive partner has to face on their own and work that they cannot do while the couple is still together. This could mean working on their anger away from somebody that they could harm, which means that divorce may be the best option.

Addiction: There are many types of addiction that could affect somebody, including substance abuse or gambling. The spouse with the addiction needs to do an extraordinary amount of work to overcome their addiction that they cannot do with the help of their other spouse in many situations. If you have tried to get your spouse help and they refused, this can sometimes be a good indicator that divorce is the best option for you.

Infidelity: For some couples, an affair and act of infidelity can be handled during couple’s counseling. However, for some, an affair is a deal-breaker and a couple cannot return to a place of trust. This means that divorce is the best option for the couple.

Lack of Communication: Though some communication issues can be handled during therapy, some spouses become emotionally unavailable over time and are not invested in doing the work that it takes for two spouses to stay together.

Lack of Intimacy: If you have already received help for either physical or emotional lack of intimacy in your relationship and it still remains lacking, your marriage may not be able to continue.

Lack of Respect: You and your partner have boundaries. When they cross the boundaries and disrespect you time and time again, it may lead to a divorce over time.

Lack of Trust: Trust is certainly the center of every good relationship. If there is no trust and your partner broke your trust, it can impact you in a lot of ways. Over time, divorce may seem like the only option.

Effect on Children: A failing marriage can certainly impact your children more than you may initially be aware of. No couple should stay together for the kids, especially if all parties are negatively affected by the marriage. It may be time to consider a divorce if you are only staying together for the sake of your child.

Facing Common Divorce Dilemmas

When you are considering your marriage and what to do, you want to make sure that you make the best decision possible. In the event of a looming divorce, there may not be any “perfect” decision but it is crucial that you do what is right for you and your children. Whatever decision you decide to make, it is important that you consider all of your options and never let the possible emotional devastation of a divorce get in the way of you living your life.

Ask yourself before you go through with divorce: Are you and your spouse ready for divorce and what comes along with it? Is it a sincere decision or an emotional reaction to a host of issues you and your spouse have recently faced? If you decide that divorce is still necessary, then it is important that you seek legal help so that you can move forward.

Contact Robert Sparks Attorneys for Guidance in Your Florida Divorce Case

Enduring a Tampa, Florida divorce can be a difficult and overwhelming matter to face on your own. At Robert Sparks Attorneys, we are here to handle all aspects of your case from the very start to the very end, giving you the knowledge and resources that you need. You deserve representation that can help you get back on your feet during these emotional times. Contact us for more information on your divorce case.