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Bulldog Divorce Attorney in Tampa, Florida


Robert Sparks Attorneys of Tampa provides the aggressive “bulldog” legal representation you need when going through a difficult and hotly contested Florida divorce. We are fiercely protective of our clients and what’s rightfully theirs, like a loyal family pet. We demand the most from our clients in divorce negotiations. We also fight aggressively when divorces must be settled in court.

Contact Robert Sparks Attorneys to schedule a divorce consultation. It’s your first step towards feeling completely secure and at ease while under the protection of a “bulldog” Tampa Divorce Lawyer.

Getting the Protection of a Bulldog Tampa Divorce Lawyer

A Bulldog is a pet with a powerful bark, plenty of teeth, and a sturdy body that can be hard to push around. They make great, loving pets, but they can go into “beast mode” when a family member is threatened. It’s a good feeling when potential danger is close by, and that’s how we want our clients at Robert Sparks Divorce Attorneys to feel. Completely safeguarded throughout every step of a divorce.

To “Bulldog” can also mean to grab by the horns and wrestle to the ground. It’s how we handle every divorce case. We fight for what’s fair for our clients. We don’t let up until our clients are fully satisfied with a divorce agreement.

Enjoying Security and Peace of Mind Through a Tampa Divorce

The aggressive strategies used by our Tampa Divorce Lawyers are effective when couples want to settle a divorce out of court. Our bulldog tactics also help our clients win major victories in court.

When deciding how a divorce will play out with your partner, it’s no time to sit back and have terms dictated to you. You should hire a lawyer who matches your level of determination and drive. You need to make absolutely sure you come out of a divorce with everything you need to start a new life.

Florida offers several different paths to divorce for Tampa residents. These are just a few of the types of divorce issues we can help you take down for a win:

  • Collaborative Divorce – A collaborative divorce is when couples work together to decide on the terms of their divorce outside of court. It can be a friendly process, but not always. You should still have a skilled and aggressive divorce lawyer in your corner. Even when the goal is to fairly divide everything, one partner usually loses out on their share of assets. Without strong legal representation, partners can sign away their rights to money and property forever.
  • Non-Collaborative Divorce – This route leaves couples who can’t agree on terms to settle their differences in Florida divorce court. Your bulldog attorney presents strong evidence on your behalf and demands that the assets you’ve worked so hard for stay with you. Judges are charged with dividing things equitably, but that doesn’t always mean an exact split. A judge can have a misinformed view of the dynamics of your marriage, and you’ll need a lawyer who will fight until a divorce agreement is fair. Robert Sparks’ experienced litigation lawyers stay aggressive through court hearings, legal motions, and negotiations aimed at robbing you of marital property. Your lawyer should also be battle-hardened by years of experience in the courtroom in case your divorce must be decided by trial.
  • Asset Division – Our relentless Tampa Lawyers don’t allow judges and mediators to randomly decide who gets what in a divorce. There will be marital property and non-marital property. Non-marital property represents assets that spouses own before they are married. Marital property is assets that were obtained during the marriage. Your attorney doesn’t allow any confusion about which is which. We demand that our clients get fair shares of property, savings, investments, businesses, and retirement plans. We also make sure our clients don’t end up with an unfair share of debt that’s leftover from a marriage.
  • Child Custody – The custody and visitation rights of children will likely be one of the most contentious topics during divorce proceedings. Your spouse will have a lawyer doing everything possible to rob you of time with your children You’ll want an attorney who stands up for your parental rights while also showing compassion for the needs of the children. The well-being of the children will be the most important concern when determining who they’ll live with, where they’ll go to school, and who will be helping to make the decisions that shape their lives. Care and compassion will be needed, but that should never mean that you give up your right to raise your children or be a major part of their lives. Your bulldog legal representative sits down with you to understand your goals for child custody and then battles for the protection of you and your children.
  • Spousal Support – Another topic that can cause division. Spouses should come out of a marriage with the support they need to maintain their lifestyles. Sometimes a partner who supports the family through weekly income must fight to keep the assets they’ve worked so hard for. Sometimes it’s a stay-at-home parent or a supportive spouse who must battle to show that they should rightfully share in the paychecks another spouse brings home. The Robert Sparks Divorce Lawyers of Tampa get into a defensive stance, like a bulldog, and fiercely protect the income that our clients have earned a share of.

Contact a “Bulldog” Tampa Divorce Lawyer

At Robert Sparks Attorneys, we happily admit that we are protective of our clients and we get aggressive to secure what’s fair for them. But like a tough bulldog, we are also very loyal and dependable. We stand beside our clients through the most emotional and difficult divorce battles to make sure they emerge victorious.

If you are considering a divorce in the Tampa area, please give our Lawyers a chance to lockdown your interests. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation on your divorce and find out what you should be demanding during your divorce proceedings.