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Divorce from Abusive Spouse in Tampa, Florida


Spouses suffering through an abusive marriage can feel imprisoned in a dangerous situation. Escaping that situation and filing for divorce is the best option, but victims may feel that seeking a dissolution of marriage will put them or their children in very real danger. Domestic violence is a terrifying ordeal. Victims need to have the full support and protection of Florida Law Enforcement. They should also be empowered to file to end a marriage without fear of intimidation or retaliation.

Robert Sparks Divorce Attorneys of Tampa stands with the victims of domestic violence and makes sure they feel safe when seeking a divorce. We make sure abuse victims have the opportunity to seek justice and secure the support they need to start new lives with their families. Contact our offices for compassionate care and legal consultation on your best options for escaping a frightening marriage.

Types of Domestic Abuse

We commonly think of physical abuse when we consider domestic abuse in the confines of marriage. But hitting a spouse is just one form of this unimaginable and criminal act. Spouses can engage in sexual abuse and even work to isolate victims so they can seek help. Women must separate themselves from these immediate threats as soon as possible by contacting the Florida Domestic Abuse Hotline at (813) 710-4816 or by contacting the Tampa Police Department or the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

Victims might experience emotional abuse involving verbal abuse, threats, and intimidation. They may be stalked. Economic abuse is another form of harm that can affect a divorce. One partner can purposely keep another unaware of the family finances. They can block spouses from having access to bank accounts and even restrict money for basic needs.

As an economic abuse victim, you may not know how much in savings and property your spouse has been hiding, but that won’t matter. Through aggressive investigation of your spouse, those finances will all come to light. Your Tampa Domestic Violence Divorce Attorney would demand that you receive a full account of those assets and you would come out of the divorce with your fair share.

Florida and Tampa Domestic Violence Dangers

The Florida Department of Health tracks these disturbing cases each year across the state. In 2022, Tampa and Hillsborough County recorded around 412 domestic violence offenses per 100,000 people. That adds up to around 6,288 cases across the county in total. The cases per 100,000 people were down from 2021, when there were 401 instances documented in the county, totaling 6,077 cases.

Florida reported 305 domestic violence offenses per 100,000 residents, totaling nearly 70,000 cases of domestic abuse across the state in 2022.

The World Population Review found that Florida ranked 20th among U.S. States for domestic violence incidents. They reported that almost 38 percent of Florida women had experienced some form of domestic abuse.

This heartbreaking issue creates situations that make victims feel trapped. Seeking escape from an abusive marriage, through divorce, can be a scary thought. Robert Sparks Attorneys protects our clients during the divorce process. Your emotional and physical well-being are safeguarded. We want our clients and their children to be free of abusive situations and to have the financial freedom they need to build a new and secure life for themselves.

Things to Know If You Are Divorcing an Abusive Spouse

Domestic violence victims have several ways to earn justice as they bring an end to a union. Victims can seek help through their local police or sheriff’s department. Whether Tampa Police charge a suspect with a first-degree misdemeanor or a felony, they will likely face jail time if convicted. Fines and additional probation time are also options for the court.

Victims who have suffered injury or have children who have suffered harm can also file civil lawsuits and earn financial support through a personal injury claim. This claim would be decided separately from any criminal proceedings. Robert Sparks Divorce Attorneys can help victims secure compensation, even if a spouse hasn’t been charged with any crime.

Victims may also have to act for their safety and the security of their children. They are empowered to file for orders of protection (restraining orders). Our Tampa family law attorneys are like bulldogs in this regard. We get aggressive about protecting you and your family just like a loyal family pet. We work with the Florida court system to get a restraining order in place quickly.

Here are a few other things to know if you want to file for divorce as a domestic violence victim.

  • You don’t have to prove abuse to earn a divorce. A skilled divorce lawyer can help you prove abuse to make sure decisions about the division of assets and child custody consider this.
  • Roberts Sparks Attorneys stands beside clients as they demand full child custody. We fight to make sure children feel secure and that a judge making a decision on child custody and visitation knows about the dangers involved.
  • We help clients secure marital support. This can include alimony and child support from an abusive spouse.
  • Even the threat of violence in a marriage can earn violators two months in prison. A misdemeanor domestic battery conviction could result in up to a year in jail. Felony convictions may result in up to 5 years in jail. More serious offenses might result in a sentence of a decade or longer.

Contact a Tampa Domestic Violence Divorce Lawyer

When domestic violence victims feel completely alone, they must be shown a safe path forward. They should receive the medical care and legal protection they need to feel secure. They should also be empowered to file for divorce to end an abusive marriage. Victims can rest assured they will be protected from an abusive partner and at the same time earn the financial support they need to rebuild their lives.

At Robert Sparks Attorneys, we are protective of our clients and we get aggressive to secure what’s fair for them. We stand beside our clients through the most emotional and difficult divorce battles to make sure they emerge victorious. We don’t back down from threats and intimidation.

If you are considering a divorce in the Tampa area, please give our Tampa divorce lawyers a chance to safeguard your interests and protect your family. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation on your divorce and find out what you should be demanding during your divorce proceedings.